18 January 2010

Cardio is a Waste of Time for Fat Loss

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

While the mainstream fitness media still insists that aerobic exercise is a great way to lose weight, Turbulence Training users know that interval training is the better way to burn body fat.

Still not convinced?

A recent study published by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, subjects aged 40 to 75 were instructed to do 60 minutes of aerobic exercise per day for 6 days per week for an entire year.

Given the amount of exercise, you'd expect weight losses of 20, 30 pounds, or more, right?

Well, the surprise findings showed the average fat loss for female subjects was only 4 pounds for the entire year, while men lost 6.6 pounds of fat over the year. That's over 300 hours of aerobic exercise just to lose a measly 6 pounds of blubber. Not time well spent, in my opinion.

So what's the better way? Stick with Turbulence Training, using interval training and strength training to get better bodysculpting results. With intervals, you'll achieve more fat burning results in less workout time.

The next time you are out exercising, perform a session of interval training. If you are walking or running outside, find an incline that can challenge you for 60 seconds, then walk down for 60-120 seconds, and repeat up to 6 times.

If you walk or run on a treadmill, adjust the incline or speed to safely increase the challenge for 60 seconds, then return to the normal pace for 60-120 seconds, and repeat up to 6 times.

You can also use a rowing machine, bicycle or stationary bike, or even an elliptical machine to do intervals.

But whatever you do, stay away from boring, ineffective cardio exercise workouts and stick with Turbulence Training for your fat burning program.

About the Author

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines.

His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men's Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week.

For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

16 January 2010

Why Cardio Doesn't Work for Fat Loss

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Cardio exercise is such a strange thing. In theory, it should work so perfectly well for all men and women, but as anyone who has tried it knows, the practicality of it just doesn't add up.

After all, some men and women do cardio 6 hours, 9 hours, or more per week, and still have belly fat to burn. On the other hand, it works just fine for others.

British researchers wanted to get more insight into this paradox, and studied 35 overweight men and women, who weren't previously exercising.

(Reference: International Journal of Obesity 32: 177-184, 2008).

Subjects exercised 5 times per week for 12 weeks. That's a lot of exercise, but it helped the subjects lose an average of 8.2 pounds, which is great - I was positively surprised by the results.

So cardio will work for some people, however, in my experience, it works best in young men, who need the help the least!

Back to the study, the variance in fat loss between individuals was huge. Check this out...

The best subject lost a staggering 32.3 pounds in 12 weeks, while the worst subject actually GAINED 3.74 pounds.

The scientists think they know where things went sour. They classified the subjects into 2 groups, called the "Compensators" and the "Non-compensators".

The Compensators were hungrier, and as a result consumed an extra 268 calories per day, all but wiping out their cardio efforts.

Therefore, the Compensators lost the least amount of weight, and scientists believe that was due to the huge "compensatory" increase in appetite experienced by this group.

Does your appetite increase when you do slow cardio? If it does, research shows it will ruin your cardio efforts.

So if your cardio program is not working for you, check your appetite and calorie intake to see if you are "compensating" for your efforts. If you are, you might be better off using a program of high-intensity resistance and interval training (i.e. Turbulence Training) for your weight loss efforts.

As Australian Professor Steve Boucher has shown in research, interval training increases hormones called catecholamines. And increased catecholamines can reduce appetite, among other fat- burning benefits.

In the real world, few people lose 33 pounds after 12 weeks of cardio. Heck, few even achieve an average weight loss of 8 pounds with aerobic exercise.

So again, check your appetite, and consider giving high-intensity exercise a go for your next workout program.

Beat the curse of cardio with high-intensity Turbulence Training.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Author, Turbulence Training

About the Author

Learn about the "Dark Side of Cardio" in the free report from Craig Ballantyne at www.TurbulenceTraining.com. Craig is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines.

His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week.

For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit www.TurbulenceTraining.com

14 January 2010

Which Turbulence Training Workout Should I Use

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS www.TurbulenceTraining.com
With Turbulence Training for Fat Loss, there are a lot of workouts to choose from.
So why did I create so many fat burning programs?
Because you need to have variety in your workouts to keep on boosting your metabolism, and burning fat month after month.
If you did the same workout program for 3 months straight, your results would screech to a halt after 5 or 6 weeks.
With the Turbulence Training fat loss program, you will be able to change your workouts every 4 weeks. Each time you do that, you'll kickstart your fat burning and your metabolism to a new level.
You must change your workout every 3-4 weeks.
Unfortunately, with so many Turbulence Training workouts, people often ask, "Which program should I start with?". So here are the fat burning guidelines you need to get the most out of Turbulence Training no matter what your fitness level...
1) The Best Program for a Total BEGINNER
Overweight, sedentary beginners should start with the Introductory Program in the main Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual.
If you haven't been doing any exercise, you must start there. No exceptions.
The bodyweight exercises will prepare your muscles for all future workouts, and will prevent the overuse injuries people usually get when they start a high-volume cardio program (which is the worst thing an overweight person can do for weight loss).
2) The Best Program for an Experienced Lifter Who Has NOT Exercised in the Last 4 Weeks
Please start with the Intermediate Workout from the main Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program.
BUT NOTE: Do only ONE SET per exercise in each workout in the first week.
This will prevent you from being excessively sore from the exercises, which can occur when you have been away from exercise for so long.
3) The Best Program For ADVANCED Fitness & Fat Loss
I suggest you start with the "Original Turbulence Training Workout" from the main Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual.
Work your way through each following three advanced workouts in the manual.
Upon completion of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts from the main manual, you can move onto the bonus workouts in this order:
A) If you are a women that wants to put the final touches on a female physique, use the Turbulence Training for Women workout.
B) If you are a man that wants to build muscle, use the TT for Muscle program.
C) If you want to keep burning fat, move to the DB-BW Fusion Workout.
D) Follow that with the 30-Day Advanced Fat Loss program.
E) And finally, finish with the Advanced Fusion Fat Loss 4-Week Program.
At any time you are traveling or want a break from the dumbell workouts, you can use the beginner, intermediate, or advanced bodyweight program from the Original Bodyweight 4-Week TT workout.
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Author, Turbulence Training
About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines.
His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men's Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week.
For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit www.TurbulenceTraining.com

13 January 2010

Why Bodybuilders Hate Turbulence Training

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Bodybuilders are not a fan of Turbulence Training. I don't know why, but for some reason getting a workout done in less than 45 minutes really ticks them off.

I remember when I first tried out the Turbulence Training 2K3 workout from my TT for Fat Loss manual. It was in the dark and grungy downstairs weight room of System Fitness in the High Park area of Toronto - maybe you've even been there.

Anyways, that gym is full of bodybuilders. And hey, I have nothing against them, but they always gave me a hard time when I went in there and finished my supersets and entire workout so fast they didn't even have time to finish training their biceps.

Perhaps you know how long and slow those bodybuilder isolation workouts are...well no one has time for those anymore.

But the bodybuilders would sit there with their weight belts on (why did they need a weight belt to do chest exercises?), sweatsuits, clown pants, and bloated bellies and just stare while I went through my workout and they talked for 5 minutes between sets.

But I still had a lot of fun doing the TT 2K3 workouts back then, way back in the winter of 2003. It truly is one of my favorite workouts - and it is one of the TT workouts that gets the most positive feedback from TT clients.

You'll get an arm pump just as good as any bodybuilding lunk who spends THREE times as long doing all his isolation exercises. But you'll get the extra benefits of working your abs and boosting your metabolism with the total body exercises in the TT 2K3 program.

So don't believe the bodybuilders when they say you have to train a separate body part each day...because that doesn't work for people who live in the real world and have real commitments but still want to burn body fat and build muscle.

Go in there, and show them just how fast you can get a great workout with the TT2K3 workout from the Turbulence Training manual.

Click here to get Turbulence Training

You might even convert a few over from the dark side,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Turbulence Training Beats Bodybuilding Programs for Men & Women

"I have been in love with Turbulence Training ever since I started. I am 6'3", 28/M and my starting weight/body fat% was 208 pounds and 18.4% body fat. The mix of weight training with the high intensity intervals is the perfect fitness program. I really didn't believe it would be difficult until I started it. WOW what a burn!! I have finished the TT2K3 and 2K4. In these 5 months, I have upped my dumbell press weight 30 lbs from using 60s to 75s. I can't wait to start TT2K5 next week and see where I can get my bench up to. After 22 weeks of TT, I am now down to 190 lbs and 10.8% body fat." Nick Walters, New York, NY

"I've done just about everything from Turbo Jam, P90X, to trying to piece together my own workout, but didn't get the results I've seen with Turbulence Training. My problem has always been my legs. No matter what I tried I have never been able to reduce the size of my thighs. I've tried the numerous leg routines featured in countless women's fitness magazines, but nothing worked. But with Turbulence Training I began to notice that my thighs looked smoother and more toned. Even my calf muscles were a lot more shapely. And I started seeing these changes about three weeks into the program. And I got these result without killing myself. The workouts are efficient and a lot of fun. I recommend this program to any woman who is struggling to lose that stubborn lower body fat. It is truly a godsend. A heartfelt thank you." Andrea Dunham

"Been using TT 4 years, love the newsletters. I use the 2K3 all thetime, started off with the original ages ago. I lost 35 pounds in around 2 years & i'm 38 years old!" Michael Walker

Click here to get Turbulence Training

About the Author

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines.

His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men's Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week.

For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit www.TurbulenceTraining.com

11 January 2010

A Letter from Your Belly Fat

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Dear Friend,

This is a letter from your ol' pal, belly fat. We had a great run this summer, didn't we? Lots of good times, great food, and plain ol' sitting around eating too much.

Well, I'm thinking about sticking around another year if you don't mind. But you might need to get a bigger pair of pants, as I was thinking about expanding my place down here.

So do me a favor, avoid that interval training you were thinking of doing. The last time you did that stuff, I nearly had to look for a new place to live. I felt like the Wicked Witch of the West in the land of Oz. Did you hear me yelling, "Help me, I'm melting!"?

Instead, stick to that slow cardio stuff. Sure I get a little sweaty, and the ol' brain up there thinks it's doing "a real fat burning workout", but it's never enough to melt me outta here.

Another thing, keep listening to those experts who say strength training doesn't burn body fat. Since research shows they're wrong, if you added strength training to your program, you'd practically need to throw me a going away party!

After each one of those superset workouts you tried last January it felt like someone lit a match under our collective butt. I was burning up down here!

But boy oh boy, I sure was glad you gave that up and went back to just lifting utensils and not dumbells. Otherwise we wouldn't have been able to celebrate another summer together this year.

Sometimes I wonder, what did you ever do in college without me, your trusted belly fat? Back then, you were probably one of those people that couldn't wait to get to the beach to show off your body, not like these days.

Nope, stay in the shade and keep the cover-up clothes on, that's the way to go now. Besides, its a lot closer to the cold beer and the BBQ when you're sitting in the shade avoiding all the fun down on the beach.

Well, it sure was good catching up with you. I'm sure we'll be in touch more often, as long as you stay away from that Turbulence Training workout routine.

Brings a tear to my eye whenever I even think about that workout program and all the belly fat it's burned. Heck, it's fried more belly fat than a frying pan!

So again, if you want to keep your dear old belly around for another year and another summer, don't use Turbulence Training - otherwise, its all over pal, and you'll never see me again.

Belly Fat says, "Don't use this" ==>www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Your friend and spare tire,

Belly Fat

PS - Seriously, don't go near that Turbulence Training program unless you want to see me, Thunder Thighs, Manboobs, Jigg Lee Arm Fat, and Luv Handles pack our bags and hit the highway.

It will be a sad farewell, and you'd be stuck with ripped abs, gorgeous glutes, and toned arms, and you know how much attention those guys get from the opposite sex. Who needs it, I say.

About the Author

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines.

His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men's Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week.

For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit www.TurbulenceTraining.com

09 January 2010

Fitness Training Vault Opens

The world-famous trainer Craig Ballantyne, author of the best-selling program, Turbulence Training, has finally unlocked the vault to ALL of his world-famous programs.

And he's practically giving them away
No matter what your goal, he has a program that will help you achieve it.

Want to workout in 10-12 minutes? There's a Turbulence Training  program that does that!

Whatever it is you aspire to achieve  you will get there quicker and easier with Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training

Fat Burning Bodyweight Circuit Exercises

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

When you travel, you worry about missing your workouts and eating poorly...So you must plan ahead for both (apples and almonds for planes, trains, & automobiles)...and bodyweight circuits for "no-equipment fat burning".

And while I have bodyweight exercises that are just as hard as the bench press and barbell squat in one of my bodyweight workouts, today we'll focus on replacing intervals with bodyweight circuits.

To do a bodyweight circuit...

a) Pick 3 lower body exercises

b) Pick 3 upper body exercises

c) Alternate between a lower and upper body exercise without rest, till you are done all 6 exercises

d) Rest a minute.

e) Repeat 2-3 more times until you are done 20 minutes

For example, this is a great circuit that doesn't need any equipment

1) Prisoner Squat (12 repetitions) 2) Elevated Pushups (8 reps per side) 3) Single-Leg Deadlift (10 reps per side) 4) Close-grip Pushups (As many reps as possible) 5) Jumping Jacks (30-60 reps) 6) Cross-Body Mountain Climber (12 reps per side)

Whew. That's pretty advanced...for a beginner, we'd slow it down like this and take some breaks between exercises...

1) Wall Squat (8 reps) 2) Kneeling Elevated Pushup (5 reps per side) 3) Lying 1-leg Hip Extension (8 reps per side) 4) Plank (30 second hold) 5) Jumping Jacks (5-10 reps) 6) Side Plank (15 second hold per side)

Safe travels, and of course, always check with your doctor before beginning a fat burning bodyweight circuit exercise program.

About the Author

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines.

His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men's Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week.

For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

07 January 2010

How to Lose Manboobs

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS www.TurbulenceTraining.com

You don't have to go through life with man boobs (otherwise known as male breasts). In fact, you can burn away chest fat and get rid of your manboobs forever with just three short, but intense workouts per week.

Getting rid of manboobs is as simple as getting rid of any other fat. You need to cut back on the junk, and fill up on the intensity. Turbulence Training is the fastest fat loss workout you can do at home. You don't need fancy equipment or a gym membership (where you'll be too embarrassed by your man boobs to go anyway).

Listen, women love a chiseled chest, but are turned off by the site of manboobs poking through a sweatshirt. That's why I've put together a fat burning program that focuses on building muscle and blasting fat with all sorts of push-ups, chest exercises, and intervals. In fact, even the Turbulence Training abdominal workouts work the chest and help convert those man boobs back into a real man's chest in just weeks.

You can gain muscle and lose fat with short workouts. You don't need to be training 6 days per week or spending hundreds of dollars each month on fancy (but worthless) supplements.

Soon you'll be the guy who is first to take his shirt off at the beach. No more hiding under sweats in the middle of July, or avoiding the water because you don't want anyone to see your manboobs.

And no matter what anyone says, you don't have to rely on surgery. Besides, that will leave ugly scars that will leave you just as self-conscious as when you had man boobs. The only fix is a permanent lifestyle change, thanks to the 3 short workouts per week of Turbulence Training. You'll see changes in your man boobs, love handles, and arm definition within weeks, going from male breasts to ripped abs in the process.

Turbulence Training is not like all those other aerobic, slow cardio programs you've tried in the past that didn't work. And it's not a wimpy machine circuit that just ends up being a waste of your time. Instead, Turbulence Training is a unique exercise system that you can do in the comfort of your own home, so that no one at the gym can point or stare at your chest � at least not until they are staring with respect.

The fastest way, the safest way, and the only way to get rid of man boobs is with strength training and interval training. Combine that with Dr. Chris Mohr's sensible nutrition guidelines, and you'll have a new body, and a new chest in just weeks.


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Author, Turbulence Training

About the Author

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines.

His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men's Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week.

For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit www.TurbulenceTraining.com

05 January 2010

Fat Loss Tips

Top 5 Fat Loss Tips

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author of Turbulence Training

Men's Fitness magazine recently asked me for 3 of my best fat loss
secrets. Since most times the magazines just don't have enough space
to run my full tips, I thought I'd give you a more detailed
explanation of my secrets here (plus a few extra bonus tips that I
didn't send to the magazine).

Secret #1 - Focus on burning carbohydrate, not fat, during your
fat-loss workouts.

Sounds backwards, right? But not when you look at how I structure
my workouts.

Remember that Turbulence Training focuses on resistance training
and interval training. Both of these use carbohydrate as the main
source of energy. So it's obvious the workout is designed to burn
carbohydrates during the training session.

I have no interest in you trying to train in your "target heart
rate zone" for fat burning (aka - the fat burning zone). The whole
idea of a fat-burning zone is an over-simplified idea of how the
body works during exercise.

Leave the inefficient fat burning zone to the mis-educated trainers
in the commercial gyms (that not surprisingly, also want to sell you
a heart rate monitor so you can stay in your "fat burning heart
rate zone").

If you want to get the most results in the least amount of time,
focus on burning carbohydrates, not fat.

Why do my fat loss workouts focus on burning carbohydrate rather
than fat?

In order to burn more calories after the workout, that's why. When
you exercise with intervals and heavy resistance training, your body
uses more calories in the hours after exercise than it would if you
did traditional cardio and lifted lighter weights.

I call this 'Turbulence'. By any name it gives you the same results
- maximum improvements in your body composition (helping you lose
fat while gaining muscle).

Secret #2 - Use a range of repetitions in your strength training

In order to train more muscle fibers and burn more carbohydrates, I
have clients use a range of repetitions within the same workout.

The Turbulence Training workouts now use 6, 8, and 12 reps per set
in order to work the muscle the most effectively.

This will burn more carbohydrates and promote as much muscle growth
as possible when you are keeping the calories low.

Secret #3 - Use the stationary cycle for interval training.

I choose the stationary bike for intervals whenever possible
because cycling against a resistance can help maintain muscle mass.

Cycling against a resistance also allows you to perform a large
amount of mechanical work, and that is a key determinant of the
Turbulence in my training.

But please note: I don't use low-intensity, fast pedaling 'spinning'
intervals as I'm convinced that the hard, resistance based
intervals are more effective for fat loss. My clients only cycle
against a strong resistance in their intervals.

And while I really like the bike, but there are many other ways to
do intervals. Use what works for you, but if you are at a plateau,
try the bike.

Secret #4 - Increase meal frequency

Okay, so this isn't really a secret to anyone that has read about
fat loss.

But a 2005 study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
showed that eating 6 times per day was associated with eating fewer
calories per day, lowering cholesterol levels, and lowering
post-meal insulin levels.

Combine an increased meal frequency with an increased protein and
fiber intake, and you'll see your body composition improve rapidly.

If you need more nutrition help, then you'll love the new
Turbulence Training Nutrition Guide for Men & Women - written by
Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D.

See below for more details...

Secret #5 - My Synergistic Turbulence Training Workouts

My Turbulence Training Fat Loss workouts are fast becoming the most
effective way to burn fat, build muscle, and get lean. The
synergistic strength training-interval training workouts are
efficient and effective - getting you in and out of the gym in
under an hour.

Here are some tips that you can use for an advanced training phase.
Use these advanced secrets for 2 weeks then return to your normal
training schedule:

a) Add 10 seconds to each interval but maintain the intensity

b) Add in some bodyweight circuits (10-20 minutes per day) done in
the morning or evening (if you do your regular workout in the AM, do
your bodyweight circuits after dinner; otherwise, do the bw circuits
first thing in the AM, and then do your regular workout at lunch or
later in the afternoon or evening)

If you are advanced, you can use squats, pushups, and bodyweight
rows for your circuit.

If you are a beginner, you could use lying hip extensions, modified
pushups, and stick-ups.

c) Add an extra set to each exercise in the first superset you do
in each workout.

Again, use these three tips for an advanced fat loss period of two
weeks, then return to a normal training schedule.

But always stick to the best fat loss nutrition plan possible.

If you have any other questions, just let me know.


Craig Ballantyne
Author, Turbulence Training

P.S. Big Nutrition Announcement!

The Turbulence Training Nutrition Guide for Men & Women - written
by Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., is ready for you.

Here are just some of the things you'll learn from Dr. Mohr...

1) How to calculate your calorie needs (p. 6)

2) Calorie recommendations for obese individuals (p.7)

3) The 23 types of sugar (many hidden!) to avoid (p. 9)

4) The 20 whole-grain sources to fuel your fat loss program (p9)

5) Over 60 fruits and vegetables that should be added to your diet
(p. 10)

6) The 16 protein sources you should select most often (p. 13)

7) Shocking trans-fat content of 18 common foods - find out which
food is the deadliest in terms of fat content (p. 16)

8] The 9 Fat Sources you should select most often (p. 17)

9) Dr. Mohr's 12 Rules for Fat Loss (p. 18)

10) The TT Nutrition Plan for Men (p. 19)

11) The TT Nutrition Plan for Women (p. 23)

12) Bonus Supplement Report: The Truth About Fat Loss Pills (p. 27)

Try Turbulence Training today:

04 January 2010

The Cardio Machine that Sucks

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Recently, I was in Tampa, Florida, at a seminar. Between sessions, a physician from Georgia stopped me in the hall and said, "Hey Craig, you were right about those crosstrainer machines. I've had your program for a few months now and I'm getting better results with the bodyweight circuits."

It's always great to meet clients, and I was curious to find out how he heard of me. Turns out, he found me through Google, landing on an article I wrote about "how elliptical machines (crosstrainers) suck for fat loss".

That's right, I think those machines are almost a complete waste of time.

"I was using one of those machines for a long time and was wondering why I wasn't getting any results," the physician continued, "I'm so glad I found your program and now I'm using the bodyweight circuits from the Dumbell-Bodyweight Fusion Workout", he added.

I told him how I wasn't surprised. In fact, I've never personally known anyone to get great results with one of those crosstrainer machines. Now I've watched really lean people use them, but they didn't get lean with those machines.

I know some people will be angry with what I have to say because they like exercising on the crosstrainer, but the truth is that they just don't work as well as harder forms of interval training.

And hey, any time you are traveling or want a break from regular interval training workouts, you can use one of the 4 bodyweight circuits from the TT DB-BW Fusion Fat Loss program that you get as a bonus when you order the Turbulence Training fat burning workout routine.

Click here to get Turbulence Training

Let me know how it goes for you,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Author, Turbulence Training

About the Author

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines.

His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men's Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week.

For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit www.TurbulenceTraining.com

02 January 2010

Double Eyelid Surgery

Double Eyelid Surgery - What Does it Involve

Age and genetics can affect a person's eyelids and lead them to believe they need to correct the functional and cosmetic problems with their eyelids through Double Eyelid Surgery. Eyelids sag as a person gets older and may look better with cosmetic surgery, but some people are born with droopy eyelids and can opt for a cosmetic correction operation while still quite young. An option called blephaloplasty can correct the problem. The process involves removing the extra fat and skin that is causing the eyelid to droop and sag, and will reshape the upper and lower protective covering by reinforcing the existing muscles and tendons in the area.

Sagging eyelids can pose functional problems for the patient and may require correction in order for the patient to be able to see and read clearly. Impaired vision is one of the key reasons people get surgery on their upper eyelid. Double eyelid surgery is normally cosmetic only in nature. Some people find the 'bags' under their eyes to be extremely unattractive, and look to this procedure to be rid of them.

How is it performed?

After administering a local anesthesia, incisions are made to the numbed eye area while the patient is fully awake. Patients are usually given medication to calm anxiety during the procedure. After removing the excess tissue, the surgeon will close the incision using removable or absorbable stitches or surgical tape.

Your surgeon should have at least five years of general training and two years of practice in plastic surgeries and be board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery before you consider letting him operate on you.

Who is a candidate for the operation?

Anyone who experiences functional or cosmetic problems with their protective folds is a candidate.

What are the risks and benefits of the procedure?

The risks of this operation are relatively minimal but should still be considered carefully. It's possible that after the operation, you may experience redness, swelling, permanent disfigurement and infection. But barring these rare complications, the operation should be quite simple and rewarding. The protective fold of your eyes should heal within a few weeks, and the results should be permanent. Insurance companies will sometimes cover part or all of the cost of the procedure, but only if it is for functional instead of cosmetic reasons.

Before deciding on the procedure, it's important to talk to your doctor and weigh your options.

Double eyelid surgery is a great option for those with excessive eyelid drooping that interferes with natural vision and wish to cosmetically correct unsightly drooping and sagging of the eyelids. To know more, visit http://guidetoplasticsurgery.com

Personal Trainer for Aerobic Exercise

Benefits of a Personal Trainer for Aerobic Exercise

There are many times in your life that you might want to have the help of a personal trainer, and doing aerobic exercise is certainly one of those times. This is a situation in which a personal trainer can really help you get the most out of your fitness goals and can really help you figure out where you should go next when it comes to working out.

It is very easy to find a trainer to help you with your aerobic exercise. The most important thing is that you are able to find a trainer that understands who you are and can help you be the best that you can be. There are many types of trainers that might fit this idea, so you have to be sure that you find one that really makes you feel comfortable. It might seem like a trainer that stresses you out would be good for your working out, but in the long run you might end up getting more frustrated and you might not end up doing as well as you’d like to do.

The point of having a personal trainer is that you are really allowed to be yourself and to do the best that you can do on your own. This means that you have to be willing to work with the aid of a trainer, but when it comes down to it you have to be able to take care of yourself and get yourself in better shape. Your person trainer must be someone who is going to encourage you but also someone who is going to be willing to let you be yourself and work at your own pace.

When you have a personal trainer for aerobic exercise, you can count on one thing—you are going to have motivation. Often, aerobic exercise is something that is easy to forget about and something that is easy to put on the back burner because of other things that come up. With your personal trainer you’ll find that it is much harder to get out of working, so you are going to be more likely to get your workout done. As long as you can find a personal trainer that is willing to work with you and that is willing to work with any conditions that you might have, you will find that this can be most beneficial for you and you’ll be able to be very happy when it comes to the amount of work that you have done.

01 January 2010

Tummy Tuck Aspects

A Few Mini Tummy Tuck Aspects

If you are beginning to notice that you stomach is starting to sag (and you aren't gaining weight) and you are looking for way to reverse it, a mini tummy tuck may be the procedure for you. As a result, this article will focus on the various aspects of a mini tummy tuck.

Most patients who undergo this procedure do so because of two main reasons. The first reason is that they have lost a large amount of weight and as a result, have saggy skin. The second reason is because the aging process has started to cause their abdominal area to sag.

Before we begin the discussion on this procedure, it is important to mention that if a person can tighten their abdominal area with proper nutrition and an exercise regimen, they should do so. Surgery should only be considered as a last resort. With that said, let's discuss the actual procedure.

The mini tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery procedure where the surgeon operates on the area below the navel. As a result of the limited area which is operated on, a patient can expect to recover quicker than when compared to the traditional tummy tuck.

Additionally, since the surgery requires less of the surgeon's time (is can take between one and three hours); this procedure will cost less than the traditional version. While the surgery can cost between $1.8K and $6K, the average cost will be around $4K.

Unfortunately, since this medical procedure is usually categorized as elective, most health insurance companies will not cover it. Therefore, if you do not have the cash available, you may have to evaluate some other cosmetic surgery financing options.

The Abdominoplasty New Jersey Guide is designed to aid individuals in learning about all matters related to abdominoplasty in New Jersey, from abdominoplasty risks to the cost of a tummy tuck.

Truth About Liposuction

What's the Truth About Liposuction

Liposuction (also called lipoplasty and suction lipectomy) is a big thing right now. It seems like everywhere you turn there's someone talking about lipo. Some people are swapping celebrity gossip about which star or starlet has reportedly gone under the knife.

Some others are sharing horror stories about surgery gone wrong on cosmetic surgery websites. Still others are writing rave reviews of how happy their lipoplasty results have made them.

For most people, getting a lipoplasty isn't like all the horror stories circulating the internet. On the other hand, it typically isn't exactly like people portray it on the ads put out by cosmetic surgery centers. For most people, their experience is somewhere in the middle.

However, with all of the buzz going around, it can be kind of hard to know what's actually true. A lot of people want to know what lipoplasty is actually like. This article will help to lay out the basics of the surgery.

Most lipoplasties cost somewhere between one and several thousand dollars. The majority of these procedures are performed under local anesthesia, although some use general. Sometimes this is the case because a patient requests it, and some certain lipectomy procedures work better under general anesthesia.

The majority of lipoplasties are performed on an outpatient basis, and they typically take between one and several hours to perform. An overnight stay in a hospital or surgical center is usually not required.

Liposuctions typically work best on people who are within 25 or 30 pound of their ideal weight. The surgery ideally targets only one or a few target areas, and it usually only removes a limited amount of fat. Doing more than this at one time typically makes the surgery much more traumatic.

The most common areas which lipectomies target vary based on gender. Among women, the abdomen, the butt, the hips, the thighs and the breasts are some of the most popular areas. Among men, the belly, the flanks, the breasts, the face and the neck are some of the most popular places.

A lipoplasty can typically improve a person's appearance, but it cannot usually offer complete perfection. There is usually not too much scarring, because the incisions made are so small. However, there can sometimes be some amount of rippling, waving, changes in pigmentation or other blemishes.

If you would like to know more about lipoplasty, please speak with a surgeon in your area. Many cosmetic surgeons offer free consultations to potential clients.

Christian Heftel is a staff writer at http://www.liposuctionguide.com

For more information on Christian and Liposuction, please visit http://www.liposuctionguide.com

Politically Incorrect Holiday Fat Loss Tips

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS www.TurbulenceTraining.com

I was at a big event last week and was reminded how important it is to have strategies for this season of high-calorie parties and busy schedules. But I get ticked off by the tired old suggestions you find on the Internet or in magazines like Woman's World.

Often the suggestions are lack any substance, because the writers don't want to imply you actually have to make a sacrifice to succeed. They make fat loss sound easy, as if all you had to do was park at the far end of the parking lot and you'd burn all the calories from 5 shortbread cookies.

Well it doesn't work that way...So here are my politically incorrect, unique Turbulence Training strategies to help you keep off the holiday pounds.

By the way, I "borrowed" a few ideas from contestants in my Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. The Transformation is rocking with social support and success stories right now, even while the rest of the world struggles with weight gain, these TT users are losing fat over the holidays.

Click here to get started with Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

Strategy #1 - Green Tea & Almonds

One of the most common tips you'll hear is to "fill up" before you go to a party where there will be lots of goodies.

Unfortunately, most people I talk to have no luck with this tip. Most people still go to a party and eat everything in sight.

But recently TT users have told me that having a cup of Green Tea and one ounce of almonds has helped them avoid holiday cravings better than anything ever before.

The fiber from the almonds reduces appetite while the small amount of caffeine from the Green Tea seems to increase mental alertness and keep you "energized" at the party.

Hopefully that might work for you...

Strategy #2 - Don't waste your time on any fancy cardio programs

Listen, the bottom line over the holiday season is that your success depends almost entirely on your nutrition.

You can't expect to hit the cardio confessional and burn off last night's 2000 calorie smorgasboard. That's a 4-hour workout. Instead, don't get into that situation in the first place.

Here are more nutrition tips:

- Focus on portion control (and if you have no discipline, forget even trying to eat just one) - Nix all drinks mixed with calorie-containing beverages, or better yet, just stop getting drunk. Period. - Write down everything you eat to identify your problem spots. Then do whatever you need to do to eliminate your weaknesses. If you don't record your nutrition, chances are you'll miss big opportunities to change your diet and lose fat.

Strategy #3 - Take care of yourself first.

My friend Holly Rigsby (of http://www.fityummymummy.com) is always reminding busy moms to take care of themselves first, and I think that suggestion applies at this time of year to everyone.

So take a deep breath. Ask yourself as you're running around to please everyone else, "Have you set aside time for yourself"

Be selfish. Make sure you have had some exercise time, some good nutrition, and some rest before overextending yourself and doing too much for other people when you haven't taken care of yourself and your goals first.

Strategy #4 - Get on a roll

This one comes from a TT Transformation contestant who is too busy losing fat to get off track over the holidays.

Don't procrastinate till January 1st. Get started now. Dozens of men and women are doing their Turbulence Training Transformations right now - through the heart of the holiday season.

They aren't waiting for Jan. 1st to show up. They are taking control now, and getting on a roll, and not letting anything (from work parties to peer pressure) get in their way.

Strategy #5 - Exercise in short bursts whenever you can

Don't be afraid to dance at your Christmas party. Don't worry, there is bound to be at least one worse dancer than you out on the floor. Have fun and get down!

On a more serious note, here's how to avoid falling off the fitness program during the busy holiday season.

Get your butt out of bed 15 minutes early so you can have 3 minutes to wake up and 12 minutes to do the December 2007 Turbulence Training 12-Minute Workouts.

Get this workout as part of your bonuses when you start using Turbulence Training today

Stay healthy and fit over the holidays,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Author, Turbulence Training

About the Author

Learn about the "Dark Side of Cardio" in the free report from Craig Ballantyne at www.TurbulenceTraining.com. Craig is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines.

His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week.

For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit www.TurbulenceTraining.com